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Love Rather Than Knowledge, Future Rather Than an Instant

  • País | Korea
  • Fecha | Noviembre 10, 2013
ⓒ 2013 WATV

“2013 Education Meeting for Pre-Young Adults” was held in the New Jerusalem Temple in Bundang, Korea, for the students in the third year of high school after the scholastic aptitude test [SAT]. Through this education meeting, which was held twice on November 10 (for students from Gyeongsang, Jeolla, Chungcheong, and Gangwon Provinces) and on November 17 (for students from Seoul, Incheon, and Gyeonggi Province), around 2,000 senior students in high school had time to recharge themselves mentally and physically.

Mother comforted the senior students in high school who had studied hard to prepare for the SAT or to get jobs, and let them feel proud as the protagonists of God’s prophecies, saying, “‘You are the Lord’s youth as the dew who will be willing on the day of battle, arrayed in holy majesty’ (Ps 110:3). The Biblical figures who surprised the world with a great faith like Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, and David were all young adults.” Mother emphasized that though academic knowledge is necessary for the better life, the most important thing is knowledge given by God and the love to be considerate of others, to share with others, and to live together, and She blessed them to become God’s sons and daughters who would shine like the stars by practicing the best love of saving souls in the best time of their life as young adults (Ecc 12:1; 3:1; Isa 60; Da 12:3).

General Pastor Kim Joo-cheol advised them to “pursue the better future with greater goals as God’s children who have received the promise of eternal future, rather than look forward to temporary pleasures and short-term goals, so that they can live a wonderful life and become the epitome of young people of the world.” He also hoped that the students in the third year of high school would have visions of a new world.

Then special lectures continued. Professor Lee Hye-gyeong from Ewha Womans University, Professor Gwon Hyeok-jin from Sejong University, Professor Kim Ok-hyeon from Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Professor Miguel Carlos Gutiérrez from Universidad Nacional Sánchez Carrión in Huacho, Peru, gave easy and interesting lectures on the subjects related to their majors to help students with their various concerns such as career choice and the way to carry out college or social life together with religious life.

After the special lectures, Mother encouraged the students once again, saying, “In this period of time, you may be anxious about your career path, but please never fall into despair no matter what kind of future is given to you because God is with you and God leads you. The young adults of the Church of God all around the world devote themselves to volunteer service activities with love, and move the whole world. I want you to move many people with your good deeds wherever you go—universities, colleges, companies, and armies, and deliver God’s love with great vigor.”

When the meeting finished, the students could not look brighter. Shin Seon-yeong who came from Busan said excitedly, “All my distress which I had while studying for the SAT has gone. I feel like crying with happy tears.” Yun Jun-yeong from Suwon said, “It was difficult for me to prepare for the SAT and I’ve been anxiously waiting for the result. But today my mind’s been comforted, healed, and freed from all anxieties. So far, I had only thought of entering college, but from now on, I’ll think more deeply about my life, my goal, and my future. This event has become a good turning point of my life.”

ⓒ 2013 WATV

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