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“Save the Whole World With a Heart Moved by the Holy Spirit and With Enthusiasm for the Gospel”

  • País | South Korea
  • Fecha | Febrero 17, 2008
As lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so the gospel of the new covenant that started in the east is now spreading to the whole world. To carry out the world mission prophesied in the Bible, the “2008 Winter Short-Term Mission Teams” flew to 63 cities in 24 countries, and returned from their successful mission trip. In various places on the earth, they had proclaimed the glory of the heavenly Jerusalem and led many souls into the arms of God. On February 17, they offered joyful thanks to God Elohim at the “2008 Winter Short-Term Mission Teams’ Report.”

At the opening service, Mother gave a prayer of thanks to Father for having allowed the short-term mission teams to give heartfelt emotions through faith to the overseas brothers and sisters, and to return safely after bearing abundant good fruits. Mother also prayed that all the brothers and sisters in Zion would be filled with enthusiasm for the gospel and armed with the word of God just as the short-term mission teams were, so that the light of the gospel would shine more brightly in Korea and overseas and all the lost family members of heaven would be found in 2008.

ⓒ 2008 WATV
General Pastor Joo-Cheol Kim complimented the short-term mission teams’ enthusiasm and efforts for the gospel, saying, “The reason why the short-term mission teams were able to lead so many souls to God for a short period of time was because they were filled with the living word of God and preached earnestly with the heart of our heavenly Parents who are eagerly finding Their children. In addition, God, who was moved by them, opened the hearts of people around the world” (1 Pe 1:22-23; Ac 16:11-14). Saying that, he reminded them that it is God who accomplishes the gospel, and encouraged them to save many souls with untiring enthusiasm for the gospel through the spiritual food in Korea, too.

Around 2 p.m., the Short-Term Mission Teams’ Report started. The representative of the Winter Short-Term Mission Teams gave thanks to God Elohim who allowed them to lead about 1,300 precious souls to Zion from January 13 to February 1, and made a firm determination not to stop their steps for the gospel until they shined the glory of the new Jerusalem brightly all over the world.

ⓒ 2008 WATV
Soon, the representative of each age group of the winter short-term mission teams conveyed the fragrance of Zion. All the short-term mission teams, who returned after planting the love of Mother in the hearts of people around the world, confessed that they were able to bear precious, good fruits when they were united with the brothers and sisters overseas and earnestly preached the love of heavenly Mother. The fragrance that the short-term mission teams conveyed was followed by a video containing the vivid scenes where the short-term mission teams were preaching the gospel overseas. The short-term mission team members were united with the brothers and sisters overseas and preached the gospel fervently with prayers and tears, in spite of the extremely hot or cold weather which they had never experienced in Korea, whether it rained or snowed. As a result, a lot of souls around the world realized the truth of the new covenant and gave thanks and praise to God Elohim. Watching the video, all the participants realized that the evangelization of the world was being accomplished rapidly, and they were reminded of what their mission was as the prophetic trumpet blowers in this age.

As the event came to an end, Mother commended the efforts of the short-term mission teams who returned after creating a miracle by bearing many gracious fruits, saying, “The short term mission teams returned after realizing how much Father sacrificed and how precious their brothers and sisters are. This is the great treasure they gained.” Mother also reminded them again that saving dying souls is true love, and encouraged them to find all the scattered family members of heaven by preaching the gospel with the same ear-nestness and eagerness that moved God during their mission trip.

2008 Winter Short-Term Mission Teams produced many good fruits in various places of the world by kindling the overseas Churches with the fire of the Holy Spirit as spiritual volunteer soldiers from the country of Mother and moving God with great enthusiasm to find their lost brothers and sisters. At the sound of the trumpet of salvation that all the children of Zion around the world blow loud, with their enthusiasm for the gospel and with a heart moved by the Holy Spirit, the day of completion of world evangelism is drawing near.
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