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Members, Who Take the Lead to Protect Environment, Participate in

  • País |
  • Fecha | Noviembre 02, 2003
ⓒ 2003 WATV
'Water is the source of all the living.'

On November 2, 'The 1st Water Love Marathon to Protect the Lake Paldang' was held. Meeting the year 2003, the Year of Water, a local newspaper Jungbu Ilbo opened this marathon and let the citizens realize the importance of the lake Paldang and its water quality.

Especially the members of the Church of God who are concerned about environmental protection participated in the marathon and received a trophy for a group participant award.

ⓒ 2003 WATV
Vídeo de Presentación de la Iglesia
Noticiero Estatal
하나님의교회 세계복음선교협회 & ASEZ WAO 페루 국회 표창장 수상
Iglesia de Dios Sociedad Misionera Mundial y ASEZ WAO reciben condecoración del Congreso de la República del Perú