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Mother's Love Is the Best Way of Bringing up Children

  • País | South Korea
  • Fecha | Diciembre 21, 2008
On December 14, the “Education Meeting for Kindergarten Teachers for the 2nd Half of 2008” was held at Okcheon Go&Come Institute Gymnasium. 1,800 children’s Church teachers including Sabbath School teachers and kindergarten teachers attended the education meeting. It was a very useful time for them to learn tips on how to teach children in Zion.

At the worship service, Mother comforted the teachers who had taught and cared for the children with love during the past year, and complimented them for their efforts. Quoting the parable of the wheat, Mother said, “Children can grow into beautiful souls when the teachers sacrifice for them and have a humble mind like that of a child, just as a kernel of wheat produces many seeds when it falls to the ground and dies.” Then She blessed the teachers, saying, “Take care of the children with love in the new year, too, so that you will receive many rewards from Father” (Mt 13:1-4; Jn 12:24-25; Rev 22:12-13)

ⓒ 2008 WATV
General Pastor Joo-Cheol Kim emphasized that “children are our future” and said that early childhood education affects one’s whole life. He added, “Please take pride in your teaching work, and educate the children devotedly, asking God for wisdom, so that they will possess upright personality and humanity.”

The worship service was followed by an ex-planation about the Sabbath school books, a presentation of management case studies, a video presentation, and recreational games. The teachers carefully watched and listened to the education programs. Then, after doing some warm-up exercises to the accompaniment of cheerful music, they learned to play useful games such as tail catching, pig wrestling and the centipede game, which help children improve their health and cultivate their emotions.

ⓒ 2008 WATV
After the education meeting, the teachers expressed their firm determination, saying, “Good teaching materials or methods are im-portant in educating children. However, we’ve realized again that the love of Mother is the best way of bringing up children. Engraving our precious mission given by God in our hearts, we’ll devotedly teach and guide the children by practicing the love of Mother so that they can grow up healthy both physically and spiritually.”
Vídeo de Presentación de la Iglesia
Noticiero Estatal
하나님의교회 세계복음선교협회 & ASEZ WAO 페루 국회 표창장 수상
Iglesia de Dios Sociedad Misionera Mundial y ASEZ WAO reciben condecoración del Congreso de la República del Perú